Volvo Autonomous Drive

Development of an understandable, trustworthy and elegant interface and experience for the first generation of Volvo autonomous cars

my tasks

*Introduce iterative research and design process to deliver meaningful solutions faster.

*Improve collaboration within the team and with stakeholders.

position: Senior Designer

role: UX and Team Lead

team: 5 people

stakeholders: 10+

time: 10 months

Impactful activities


The team needed to be heard. This helped me to understand why and how troubles in communication are entangled with the lack of progress.


A thorough analysis of the project state and background knowledge as well as resources adjustments helped to plan and kick start the improvements process.

Iterative loops

Analyse - Conclude - Design - Prototype - Test. A true iterative process with test-drives was established and each iteration had clear goals to achieve.


  • Analysis of legal and functional requirements
  • Benchmark
  • Summary of user needs and behaviours
  • A review of internal and external research
  • Design of the user journey with focus areas
  • Definition of the design intent and design drivers

Design Intent and Design Drivers

A precisely choreographed experience where every piece of the journey is crafted towards a defined goal.​​

DRIVERS: Guiding / Clear / Motivating / Smart / Intuitive / Easy to understand / Easy to use / Pleasurable / Calm

ANTI-DRIVERS: Stressful / Patronising / Overwhelming / Nervous / Fragile / Pushy / Ambiguous

An example of improvements along the way, not a final Volvo design. Emergency deactivation flow use case.


An example of improvements along the way, not a final Volvo design. Emergency deactivation flow use case.

Let’s grab a virtual coffee to discuss the details of the iterative improvements we introduced. For secrecy reasons not everything can be exposed. 

The final product

Safe, guiding and elegant interface for the autonomous drive.

We achieved the autonomous drive interface design to be an intriguing new element and at the same time an integrated part of the assisted drive journey. The design was thoroughly tested to first provide usability in a form of an understandability and guidance. Secondly, with a beautifully crafted visual and sound interface we achieved an elegantly choreographed experience.

Head of User Experience at Volvo introduces the new Volvo interface with Assisted Drive being a prominent part of the full experience. 

My responsibilities

Do you want to know more?

Don’t hesitate to contact me for more details on the iterations and chit chat about super fun design project which included visual, sound and haptics.

Copyright Justyna Maculewicz 2024